As Fed's zero interest rate will be maintained until 2023, there are the three possible effects on the economy
2021-07-08Forex War
QE enables more efficient circulation of global capital, and foreign exchange will become an important medium. Investors use the foreign exchange market to buy stocks, bond markets, futures markets, and even real estate markets in various countries. The foreign exchange market fluctuates violently. For foreign exchange investors who want to profit from it, or do not want to lose money, they have to look at the exchange rate cycle under QE.
QE continues to depreciate the U.S. dollar, while gold and the euro appreciate. This is also what is happening in the investment market. However, after the implementation of QE for a long time, the foreign exchange market will enter a major reversal stage. During the period, the US dollar will begin to stabilize and rebound. The main reason is that the US economy is gradually improving. The Fed will gradually withdraw from quantitative easing, causing market funds to flow into the US dollar. The economy will have the opportunity to follow in the US. Gold and the euro will fall sharply at this stage. The improvement in the US economic environment will also attract capital to continue to flow into US dollar assets, and US stocks will rise.
For example, since the 2008 financial tsunami, the United States has introduced three QE policies. From the attached EURUSD weekly line, we can see that after each QE launch, EURUSD will rise, and when the QE ends in 2014, European and American currencies have fallen sharply for several weeks.
Under the economic contraction, the liquidity released by QE to the market will not cause inflation in the short term. However, when the economy improves and investors restore confidence, the excessively released liquidity may be transformed into inflation. As QE stimulated the speculative atmosphere in the market, funds flowed to the stock or property market, triggering a sharp rise in asset prices.
Capitalists will be the winners under QE, and the actual wages of ordinary citizens will shrink. But the paradox is that the central bank wants to stimulate consumption, but consumers may be more cautious in the economic downturn. Many people choose to save, which reduces the circulation of money in disguise.
Rising of Zombie companies
Zombie companies may be arise. Some companies are already on the verge of bankruptcy under market competition, but they can barely maintain operations because of subsidies and low-interest bank loans. Because such companies are actually lacking in competitiveness, if the central bank gradually raises interest rates in the later period of QE, these companies are bound to close down, which will trigger another wave of unemployment.
Sum up
QE also brings many problems. First, if economic activities fail to cooperate, the most direct problem is to exacerbate the disparity between the rich and the poor; while hot money floods the market, loans increase, and funds flow to the stock market and property market. If QE continues for many years, it will form bubble assets in the long run. problem.